Welcome to the Magnolia Team
Apple Devices
Android Devices
Below are the steps you will need to take:
Click on the links below to download the apps. If you have an iPhone, use the red links. Android users, use the blue links. The “Bringg” app is for Delivery Drivers only. If you are not hired to be a Driver, you will not need that app.
Click on the “Uniform Order Form” button to order your uniforms.
Please let us know as soon as you have completed the paperwork sent to you.
When you arrive for Orientation, let a cashier on the front counter know you are here. Also, be sure to bring your documents for identification. Most people bring there Driver’s Lisence (or Permit) and their Social Security card. If you do not have those, here is a list of acceptable documents.
After Orientation, you will need to try on your uniforms to confirm they fit. Let us know if they fit or if we need to reorder a new size. After that, we can schedule you to start training.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are sick, it is best to not come to work. However, there is a proper way to notify us and show care to our other team members and guests. Refer to this slide from Orientation.
You are paid bi-weekly. Checks are available on Friday. If you are on Direct Deposit, you will get paid on Thursdays.
Come to the front counter. Let the person at the front know you are here for your first day. They will instruct you on how to get to the back door of the restaurant in order to enter. If you are familiar with the mall, you can enter in the orange double doors to the right of Best Buy. You will then walk down the hallway until you see the door on the right that has Chick-fil-A written on it. This is the back door you will use to enter the store.
Headaches, Runny nose, and coughs are not reasons to miss work on their own. Generally, if you have a fever, you should not come in to work. Instead, inform a member of Management and follow the protocols in our health policy. Get someone to cover your shift, go to the doctor if necessary. Item description
We are rolling out the RED carpet to celebrate you!